Sunday, January 27, 2013


Havent really posted in a long while, but ran across this app while randomly searching the google app store.  Fantastic i thought to myself...i can start blogging again... you know, from my phone,  since i get on a laptop maybe twice a year. 

Laptops/computers have become something i barely know how to use.  I rarely have an occasion to jump on one.  The other day i used the computer at work to log onto the work email account.   I was using gmail to log onto our work gmail account to go ahead and extract the keys for all the movies i was building...i couldnt fucking figure out the damn email.  Im so used to looking at gmail over the phone i was practically lost over the computer.  I muddled my way through it bit still missed that one of the emails was holding two emails for which i needed the one i couldnt see versus the one i did see and yanked the damn wrong key off of.

Whatever.....i still got credit at work for trying. glad they think im trying.   Good thing for me is that at work i only make one mistake once.  For me an honest mistake is exactly that.  An honest mistake.   Once i flubb up i won't make the same mistake twice.   I have a decent learning curve.  At work anyway

Why did i call this entry assholes?  Eh..... seemed good at the time